[by COSIMO SUGLIA] The Barometz feeds on soil nurtured, away from eyes resting, for if they see; look unto the lamb, its stasis will not tell that in the dead of the night, the umbilical connection to earth becomes puppeteer, let’s the lamb roam, not far but enough movement to satisfy hunger, and in their […]
(Text by Cosimo Suglia) Diversity is the appreciation of differences — it makes us, us. Look down. Past the generated clouds, sliding on the olympic-blue sky. Past the mammoth trees and coral-dressed skyscrapers. Away from the docks, where fish farmers feed their crops. Slight waves slap against bio-concrete jetties. The rabbit man walks on water. […]
(Text by the Aner Welten Team) Dear all, we would like to bring your attention to our very first open call for submissions. The Aner Welten Team has decided to produce our first thematic anthology zine. Please have a look at the specific website we made for this: https://solarpunk.anerwelten.lu For further information, contact us! Best, […]
(Text by Cosimo Suglia) Note: The following text first appeared in a literary zine by our editor Cosimo Suglia. It was a special-made zine for the Luxembourgish book fair Walfer Bicherdeeg 2022 — the concept and main theme of the zine is simple: 4OUR. There are four stories in the zine, two in English and […]
(Text by Cosimo Suglia) Note: The following text first appeared in a literary zine by our editor Cosimo Suglia. It was a special-made zine for the Luxembourgish book fair Walfer Bicherdeeg 2022 — the concept and main theme of the zine is simple: 4OUR. There are four stories in the zine, two in English and […]
(Text by Cosimo Suglia) Note: The following text first appeared in a literary zine by our editor Cosimo Suglia. It was a special-made zine for the Luxembourgish book fair Walfer Bicherdeeg 2022 — the concept and main theme of the zine is simple: 4OUR. There are four stories in the zine, two in English and […]
(Text by Cosimo Suglia) Note: The following text first appeared in a literary zine by our editor Cosimo Suglia. It was a special-made zine for the Luxembourgish book fair Walfer Bicherdeeg 2022 — the concept and main theme of the zine is simple: 4OUR. There are four stories in the zine, two in English and […]
(Text by Cosimo Suglia) Editor’s note: On Sunday, 27th of November 2022, our editor Cosimo (that’s me, yes, I just referred to myself in the third person, help) held a writing workshop at the MNHN (Musée national d’histoire naturelle) all about the upcoming Genre of Solarpunk. The workshop took place within their brand-new exposition IMPACT […]
(Text by Cosimo Suglia) I. Du gesäis, vu wäitem, hannert den Hecken vu wou s de dech verstopps, wech vum Uwänner, wou wäisse Kräsi dorops waart deng Suelen ze bäissen, ze schneiden, wéi wann et en Teppech vu Skalpellspëtzten wier, Molchen, déi aus dem Floss erausgesprongen sinn. A se sinn erëm dragesprongen, wann d’Haut ze […]
(Text by the Aner Welten Team) D’Gewënner vun den Hugo Awards goufen annoncéiert. Vue dass d’Präisiwwerreechung méi wéi genuch op Englesch iwwerholl gouf, duechte mir eis, datt mir se op Lëtzebuergesch präsentéieren. INFO: D’Hugo Awards sinn de gréissten (literareschen) Präis am Beräich vun der spekulativer Fiktioun. Den Hugo ass benannt ginn nom Lëtzebuerger Hugo Gernsback. […]