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Give Time time

(Text by Otilia Dragan) Time visited me today again, during work. She sat on my lap, her long, flimsy fingers playing  with a wavy patch of my hair and made me sway along with her in my office chair. “Time, come on, I told you to stop showing up like this. How am I supposed […]

The engineer

(Text by Patrick Vedie) “A very long time ago, I made up a universe, all by myself. I say, ‘by myself’, I was just a kid then, and the grown-ups always overestimate children’s imagination, and it probably wasn’t that original. Nonetheless, I gave it a nice shape, that varied depending on the perspective you took […]

I Speak

(Text by Cosimo Suglia) Note: The following text first appeared in a literary zine by our editor Cosimo Suglia. It was a special-made zine for the Luxembourgish book fair Walfer Bicherdeeg 2022 — the concept and main theme of the zine is simple: 4OUR. There are four stories in the zine, two in English and […]


(Text by Cosimo Suglia) Note: The following text first appeared in a literary zine by our editor Cosimo Suglia. It was a special-made zine for the Luxembourgish book fair Walfer Bicherdeeg 2022 — the concept and main theme of the zine is simple: 4OUR. There are four stories in the zine, two in English and […]


(Text by Cosimo Suglia) Note: The following text first appeared in a literary zine by our editor Cosimo Suglia. It was a special-made zine for the Luxembourgish book fair Walfer Bicherdeeg 2022 — the concept and main theme of the zine is simple: 4OUR. There are four stories in the zine, two in English and […]


(Text by Cosimo Suglia) Note: The following text first appeared in a literary zine by our editor Cosimo Suglia. It was a special-made zine for the Luxembourgish book fair Walfer Bicherdeeg 2022 — the concept and main theme of the zine is simple: 4OUR. There are four stories in the zine, two in English and […]

The Dryness of Being

(Text by Pierre Feltz) Peter is nervous and something deep seated is bothering him tonight. Peter is laying in his bed and, as it is most nights, he scratches his dry scalp and combs through his unkempt, brown hair with his bloody, dry-skin hands. Despite the redness, and irritated nature of his skin, and, the […]

Aus dem Schiffsbuch der Salteema

(Text by Luc François) Salteema Schiffsbuch-Eintrag 2486 Ich habe die Stille zwischen den Sternen nie recht ertragen. Mein Leben lang habe ich sie als trügerisch empfunden, ihr Versprechen von zeitloser Abgeschiedenheit hat sie wieder und wieder gebrochen. Immer nur kurz lädt sie zum Verweilen ein, bevor der nächste Halt ruft: Ein weiterer Handel, ein neuer […]


(Text by Cosimo Suglia) I. Du gesäis, vu wäitem, hannert den Hecken vu wou s de dech verstopps, wech vum Uwänner, wou wäisse Kräsi dorops waart deng Suelen ze bäissen, ze schneiden, wéi wann et en Teppech vu Skalpellspëtzten wier, Molchen, déi aus dem Floss erausgesprongen sinn. A se sinn erëm dragesprongen, wann d’Haut ze […]


(Text by Maxime Weber) ‘[crumbs] Diggin’ It #17: Fleshgate’ | 2,583,302 views | Uploaded five days ago | Private [00:00:00] Evening, Chat. Wait a second. Forgot my drink in the kitchen. Be right back. Welcome to the stream. Tonight, we got round 17 of ‘Diggin’ It’ coming up. ‘how are you doing crumbs?’ I’m doing […]