Science Fiction

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Twenty-Cent Coin

(Text by Cosimo Suglia) Diversity is the appreciation of differences — it makes us, us. Look down. Past the generated clouds, sliding on the olympic-blue sky. Past the mammoth trees and coral-dressed skyscrapers. Away from the docks, where fish farmers feed their crops. Slight waves slap against bio-concrete jetties. The rabbit man walks on water. […]


(Text by Sven Wohl) Wann et dach nëmmen eng Sichmaschinn fir dee ganze Knascht géif ginn. D’Iwwreg huet sech duerch den hallwe Bierg vu Schrott gewullt. D’Verzweiwlung huet et virugedriwwen, mä sengem Zil kee Millimeter méi no bruecht. De Küb mat den Donnéeë wollt net optauchen, egal wéi déif et era gegraff huet, egal wéi […]