[by ROBBIE MARTZEN] To him, time travel had only ever been about the past. He wanted to peek from behind the blood-red velvet curtains while Marie-Antoinette was having her cake and eating it; he wanted to hide in the gator-infested swamps to see Armstrong boarding the spacecraft, still blissfully unaware that being the first man […]
Category Results
[by SVEN WOHL] D’Mauer vu Code ass net méi kloer ginn. Si ass souguer mat der Zäit ëmmer méi zu engem Labyrinth ginn. Hatt huet de Schierm verkrampft festgehalen a seng Stier a Fale geluecht. “Villäicht muss du awer eng Paus maachen, Helena. Esou ze sëtzen ass net gutt, wann een nach jonk ass.” Esou […]
[by LYNN ROSA ANDRÉ] When Amilcar arrived, the plastic chairs had already been set up inside of the Eye. Some of the neighbours were also there, helping out with the last preparations or just catching up amongst themselves. Amilcar assisted with laying out the cable from the solar engine and connecting everything up to the […]
[by COSIMO SUGLIA] The Barometz feeds on soil nurtured, away from eyes resting, for if they see; look unto the lamb, its stasis will not tell that in the dead of the night, the umbilical connection to earth becomes puppeteer, let’s the lamb roam, not far but enough movement to satisfy hunger, and in their […]
[by ANI FOX] Roderick rubbed his temples, wondering if he dared take more headache pills. On the other side of the posh office, Jonesy had started walking a new pair of ward heelers through the NYC Republican spiel. His singsong Bronx accent did nothing to soften the cruelty of his sentiments. You can lie to […]
[by AUDREY MARTIN] “I thought we were going to the rollerdrome?” I called after Dana as she disappeared down the narrow alley. “I just need to check something,” she answered, without looking back. I sighed and turned towards the sunlit street that would have led us directly to our prized destination. A calm breeze flowed […]
[by LUC FRANÇOIS] “Wäre diese Gesellschaft ein Mensch, sie wäre ein Heroin-Süchtiger.” Das war der erste Satz, den ich von dir gehört habe, damals vor zig Jahren. Sturzbetrunken bist du gewesen. An den Namen der Bar kann ich mich nicht erinnern. Dafür nur zu genau an meinen ersten Eindruck von dir: Was für ein Trottel. […]
[by FABIENNE FAUST] The oval pills were to be found in supermarkets, their flashy yellow and purple packages neatly stacked in wooden crates. Winter sun was my brother Jake’s favourite. It contained a special blend of lemon zest and vitamin D. My mum went in for Summer Flakes. She claimed that the tartness of the […]
[by Jessica Lentz] That day, the earth beneath our feet started shaking, out of the blue. First it felt like a soft, murmuring vibration running through my body. I stopped in my steps, took out an earbud. Lifted my gaze. In a few seconds’ time, it became stronger. The murmur rose into a roaring cry […]
(Text by Cosimo Suglia) Diversity is the appreciation of differences — it makes us, us. Look down. Past the generated clouds, sliding on the olympic-blue sky. Past the mammoth trees and coral-dressed skyscrapers. Away from the docks, where fish farmers feed their crops. Slight waves slap against bio-concrete jetties. The rabbit man walks on water. […]